
Reaching Around the World

We just got word from Toby and Melinda Magill, missionaries to the people of Mozambique. They have been giving away thousands of copies of the Portuguese versions of First King of Rock and Roll and Singing With Noah—children’s books written by Cissy and beautifully illustrated by Mary Whitaker. According to the Magills:

We hand them out at every tabernacle we build. They are going far. Children, and actually complete families, are being blessed!! It’s also being used as an evangelism tool and Sunday School curriculum for some churches.

Magills also handed out coloring book versions of them too. Many of the children had never had coloring books or crayons before. Magills told us that even the adults are very excited to get the Noah and King of Rock books.

We simply cannot express how much it means to us to see God’s message spreading around the world through our humble efforts!

A Couple Previews

Speaking of children’s books, I have been blessed to produce several in multiple languages. Not only that but I have been even more blessed when I get to see the precious faces of some of those children as I put one of my books into their hands! Whether it is in Honduras, Thailand, Africa or in the USA, a smile transcends any language barrier.

Take a moment if you like to listen to a couple samples below of the audio versions of my books.

I believe I am being led to have more of the books printed to put them into the hands of even more children so they have something wholesome and true. In fact, I have been asked to read my books to children in a Christian school. If you want to help us through prayer and/or financial support please let us know. You can contact us via our Contact page and donate from our Support Us page.


Clip from First King of Rock and Roll children’s book.

Clip from Singing With Noah children’s book.

To Alaska and Beyond!

We moved to Alaska in order to focus more of our attention here but we are still willing and able to minister just about anywhere there is a need and a call.

A great big THANK YOU to all our wonderful friends who have been keeping us in your prayers since we moved from Montana to Alaska. All those years ago, when we were still living in Florida, we had no idea of the truly divine adventure we would be on when we heard God’s call to relocate from the southeast to the northwest part of the country!

Children’s Books

Alaska Ministry


About Cissy:

Bill and Cissy have been in full-time ministry for over 20 years.  Cissy is on the National Women’s Speakers list with the Assemblies of God.  They have ministered to many different denominations and in a variety of venues. They have also ministered for international, national, state and local events, patriotic events, and more.

“I count it an honor and a privilege to be used by God and to be led by the Holy Spirit.”   –  Cissy


Those words of wisdom — in your book — from your grandchildren: just priceless.

“So, when Jesus died, did God too? “


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What an anointed singer Cissy is! I never expected to be touched by the Spirit as I was tonight. What a blessing she and Bill were to me! What a ministry they have!
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Pastor Rodney S.

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“Her sweet spirit and ministry would be a fit for any event. Her music is anointed and will minister directly to your heart.”

Arlene Allen
Fmr. National Women’s Dir. Assemblies of God

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