2024 October Newsletter

Greetings from Soldotna, Alaska:

I know it has been a while since I’ve sent out a newsletter, so I want to update you on what’s happening with Music with a Mission.  Yes!  We are still in ministry, but it has slowed down considerably.  Most churches today do not invite special music to be a part of their worship so it is natural that our ministry would sort of “take the hit.”  LOL.  But we are still sharing wherever doors open.  We will be flying into Kotzebue, Alaska (a larger village above the Arctic Circle) over Thanksgiving, ministering and sharing a meal with the people of the community and the local Church of God, pastored by Rev. Alan & Miriam Humphries.  We also have been invited to sing for the Central District of the Assemblies of God Christmas event December second in Anchorage, Alaska. 

Since moving to Alaska, we have immersed ourselves in a wonderful church, Kenai New Life Assembly of God in Kenai, Alaska.  I shared my music ministry here several times over the years, so it was easy to become a permanent part of this church.  Pastor Steve Brown is still the pastor (after 37 years) and his wife Jolynn is a Montana girl, so we love and appreciate them welcoming Bill and me into their fold!

A couple of months ago, I felt impressed by the Lord to take what funds we have left in our ministry account and print more of our children’s books in English to give away in America. (Particularly Singing with Noah and The First King of Rock & Roll).  God spoke to my heart that there are so many distasteful books and “readers” going into schools, local events and even churches reading to children. They need someone and something good, positive, and biblically correct being read and fed into their souls. 

So, with that said, I have connected with a few Christian schools locally and we are going into the classrooms reading our books and giving each child a copy to take home.  Each book has the ABC’s of salvation in the back, so we are trusting that they will take them home and read them with their families.  Remember, not all children attending Christian schools are being raised in Christian homes.  Bearing that in mind, this was a good place to start. 

Please pray with us that this project will be a success and that many will accept Jesus after reading the book and praying the ABC’s of salvation. If it is successful and more doors open, we know that God will provide the necessary funds to keep this project moving forward.  And if it stops here, then we have been obedient and finished this task God has given us.

Thank you ALL for your faithful support in the past, both in finance and in prayer.  Please continue to pray for us to be attentive to His voice and obedient to “Go” wherever and whenever He calls on us.  We love and miss you all.  Jesus is coming soon so we must be diligent to do His work while we can.

Serving Jesus,

Bill & Cissy Padgett/Music with a Mission 