Alaska June 2023

by Cissy Padgett

[Editor’s Note: in the June edition of the newsletter, it closed by saying, “Next stop: Wasilla, Alaska.” That was incorrect. The correct next stop for this summer’s Alaska ministry journey is actually Kotzebue, Alaska.

Apologies for the error.]

Our first stop for ministry in Alaska was Skagway. What a wonderful service we had together. Pastor Tim and Debbie Steidel are a great leadership team and are serving their community well. We really enjoyed their company and miss them already!

We started our Father’s Day on Sunday singing on the LuLuBelle Tour boat in Valdez, AK. Captain Fred, the owner, donates his time and the use of his tour boat every Sunday at 8 am for a free service to all visitors, and locals, who would like to attend a church service and still have plenty of time left in the rest of the day for sightseeing. He takes the boat out into the bay while everyone is enjoying the service and the magnificent beauty surrounding Valdez.

Then at 11 AM we shared our music ministry at the First Baptist church and thoroughly enjoyed the preaching of Pastor David Bradley.

At 2:30 we met at the local nursing home and sang for the local residents. Pastor Bradley has been going every Sunday for years. What a heart of God to share God’s Word faithfully with those who can’t make it to their local church. We loved our time here and pray people were as encouraged and as blessed as we have been.

Thank you Captain Fred and Pastor David and Cindy for extending the invitation to Music with a Mission and for being an example to us all, reminding us to love others, be generous at every turn and be HIS hand extended to all we come in contact with!

Next stop: Wasilla, Alaska.